A while back, I’ve decided that I will make some videos about my projects and throw them on Youtube. The first serious project is video form of the How To 3D Print Your Video Game Main post on this blog.
I generally try to use “the good toys” when working on my projects and avoid anything where target demographic is your average user. I’ve outgrown the limited functionality of Windows Movie Maker the first time I tried to make a video, and was quickly recommended Sony Vegas. 15 or so years ago, Sony Vegas was allegedly the thing the professionals use — and I liked it. Except it had one problem: it crashed a lot. But when Vegas 15 came to Humble Bundle a few years ago, I decided to get a legitimate copy for two reasons:
- €20 isn’t much, let’s consider that payback for my high school years
- I’ve tried Blender and KDEnlive in 2024. Blender was horrible in the UX department. I remember finding Kdenlive to be almost like a free version of Vegas, down to general instability (but also with additional performance issues).
- Maybe I’ll need to edit some videos in the future, might get that as an investment into the future.
So that’s three reasons.
Now, the future finally arrived and I’m making my first proper video in a while …
… and Vegas is still the same crash-happy pile of garbage it was 15 years ago. How 2kliksphillip manages to make any videos with Vegas is beyond me, because Vegas literally can’t go five minutes without crashing. It’s like the AE goes meme from few years back:
… except even worse.
It’s not my timelines were complex, either. That’s about how complex it gets:

It quickly became apparent I’ll spend more time waiting for Vegas to open and load, than I’ll spend re-learning a different program, so might as well give DaVinci Resolve a try.
So I did, and boy does it have its moments. Its default keyboards are objectively trash, but fortunately changing those is not too hard. There were also some technical problems, like me not being able to drag audio-only files to the timeline despite the fact that timeline was not locked (but that’s a problem that ended up resolving on its own).
However, after rebinding keyboard shortcuts and getting used to the differences from Vegas … holy hell, it seems like everything is easier with Resolve. From cropping, to changing clip speed, to the part where it doesn’t crash if you didn’t save in the last 2 minutes. In fact, I had a grand total of zero crashes since I’ve installed it.
I really should have switched sooner.