Well, took me a while to come around to writing this post. I’ll try to be brief: I wasn’t very satisfied with the NMN version of the robe. However, about a month later, our club (Amulet D20) had a thematic evening, which has seen some adjustments: You may have also noticed that the introductory post promised a chapter on props and cooling. Unfortunately, there… Continue Reading... "Robe of Archmagi: The Result"
Category: Dungeons & Dragons
Things related to Dungeons & Dragons, or even tabletop games in general.
Let’s make a Robe of Archmagi, part 1
As I’m starting to write this post, it is early July of 2022, but my eyes are already on 2023. If you wonder why, you can try guessing my age and number of girlfriends I’ve had so far. The “deadline” for the project is Tuesday, February… Continue Reading... "Let’s make a Robe of Archmagi, part 1"
Supersizing the 5D dungeon
Some of you may be familiar with the infamous 4chan screenshot of a 5D dungeon: This looked pretty great and I immediately decided to inflict this on one of my groups. (And then a couple more because one is none!). However, as noted in this reddit post by ValdyrDrengr,… Continue Reading... "Supersizing the 5D dungeon"
Spreadsheets: the best way of keeping DM notes, ever?
Note to my players: Alz and Xur. If you’re stalking my blog, skip this article because there be spoilers ahead. This works on an honor system. Keeping track of plans and notes is probably one of the toughest parts of being a DM (right after ‘finding a group to DM’ and, even more challenging, ‘finding a group to play’). For very long time, I’ve… Continue Reading... "Spreadsheets: the best way of keeping DM notes, ever?"
Orc Histories: Volume I
Author’s note: yes, I accidentally spilled my homebrew all over my 5e Monster Manual. What you gonna do about it? Chapter 1: Creation Myth There was a time before orcs. In that time, only men, elves and dwarves walked the world. Their gods felt a sense of pride and accomplishment turning the world, their prized sandbox, into a landscape filled with those who worshiped… Continue Reading... "Orc Histories: Volume I"
Of Tabletop RPGs, Railroading, and Video Games
So I’ve recently stumbled over this meme. Of course, this was captioned with ‘TTRPGs > Video games’ It’s very hard to resist rising up to the challenge in hopes of earning that delta — especially given how everything about that meme is wrong. The long story short is that this meme incorrectly assumes two things: video games railroad players this isn’t an assumption per… Continue Reading... "Of Tabletop RPGs, Railroading, and Video Games"
Epistle 3, D&D edition
This post has been migrated from its old post and backdated according to the file timestamps. Backstory and references are explained here). Dearest Players, We hope this letter finds you well. I can hear your complaint already: “Sergor’s company! We haven’t heard from you in ages!” Well, there’s plenty of excuses to be had, but there’s no sense crying over every mistake. We just… Continue Reading... "Epistle 3, D&D edition"
Epistle 3, D&D edition: reference guide
The story can be found here Context, timing of the story Understanding the background that lead to the story being written is not necessary, but I’ll include it. Long story short: I compared our seemingly never-coming D&D to similarly coming video game Half Life 3 (Half Life 2 episode 3). Yesterday, on the 25th of August, 2 AM local time the writer for Half… Continue Reading... "Epistle 3, D&D edition: reference guide"