It was autumn 2012 and I was making my Steam account. It turned out that my standard username at the time has already been taken by someone else, meaning I had to pick a new name. Fortunately for me, the final Guild Wars 2 beta weekend happened just a few months earlier. I’ve played out all five races the game has to offer, and… Continue Reading... "The Charr Cosplay, Part 0: Motivation, Requirements, and Ideas"
Robe of Archmagi: The Result
Well, took me a while to come around to writing this post. I’ll try to be brief: I wasn’t very satisfied with the NMN version of the robe. However, about a month later, our club (Amulet D20) had a thematic evening, which has seen some adjustments: You may have also noticed that the introductory post promised a chapter on props and cooling. Unfortunately, there… Continue Reading... "Robe of Archmagi: The Result"
3D printing my Guild Wars 2 character
2024 update: If you’re looking for a tutorial — this post has little value as a tutorial. Click here for a more up-to-date version that attempts to give you a more accurate run-down of Blender. Now with 90% less of “I tried X and it didn’t work.” Back in 2012, I was kinda into Guild Wars 2. Because of reasons, around 2012 I also… Continue Reading... "3D printing my Guild Wars 2 character"
Robe of Archmagi R&D: The Trim
Just by looking at the reference picture, golden trims look like a major paint in the ass. It actually appears to have a 3D shape to it, meaning my usual tactics of “just painting on” probably isn’t going to work. Or is it? Paint selection For a very nice price of 6.9€, I bought myself a R&D sample of proper gold paint for fabric.… Continue Reading... "Robe of Archmagi R&D: The Trim"
Robe of Archmagi R&D: Layers Upon Layers
For this project I wanted to have a fabric that meets the following requirements: I ended up settling on thin+smooth, thick+don’t care, thin+smooth sandwich — because that ended up being the cheapest option that cleared my requirements bar on the appearance side. However, the compromises had to be made and … well, we get to a few hard realities: The first layer that got… Continue Reading... "Robe of Archmagi R&D: Layers Upon Layers"
Robe of Archmagi R&D: Patterns
My googling skills drop off sharply when leaving the tech domain, but it appears that when it comes to sewing a robe of archmagi, nobody has ever done that in the history of D&D (or at least, published their work to the internet). Seems that I’m going to be the first — meaning that when the end costume ends up being of the “at… Continue Reading... "Robe of Archmagi R&D: Patterns"
Mini Base Design: The Dwarf
A few months ago, I was introduced to a somewhat-local geek club — somewhat local in the sense that it’s not really local, but it’s not too far out from my usual daily commute. Every couple of months or so, they organize a fantasy-themed event, which my D&D party got a whiff of. During those events, they mildly promote their main activity — painting… Continue Reading... "Mini Base Design: The Dwarf"
Let’s make a Robe of Archmagi, part 1
As I’m starting to write this post, it is early July of 2022, but my eyes are already on 2023. If you wonder why, you can try guessing my age and number of girlfriends I’ve had so far. The “deadline” for the project is Tuesday, February… Continue Reading... "Let’s make a Robe of Archmagi, part 1"
Of RawTherapee and Darktable
About two or three times a year, there will be an opportunity for me to take out my camera and take some pictures. My camera of choice used to be Nikon D3100 (with stock lenses, too), which is a nice and decent camera for cosplaying as a pro photographer … as long as you’re outside, and the sun is shining, and… Continue Reading... "Of RawTherapee and Darktable"
Tam’s Artificer Cosplay: BFG Urkog
Tamius did a cosplay — and since every artificer needs a gun, Tam decided to make himself one. Continue Reading... "Tam’s Artificer Cosplay: BFG Urkog"